Sunday, November 11, 2007


As my fellow classmates know, I had a bad experience at a local computer store. One of the many consequences of this experience is that I lost all of my favorite web sites. To hopefully prevent that in the future AND share them with you, I am starting to add them to my blog. I will probably need to organize them differently as I get more links, but this will get me started. The TechRepublic and Kim Komando links both provide tech help; I have found TechRepublic invaluable. I hope you are able to make use of them, too.

1 comment:

Ms Do"mess"ticated said...

Hi. I thought I might mention to you. This is a social bookmarking site. I have all of my favorite websites on there and I can get them from any computer and if I can't remember then I just look it up on any search engine...usually one of the first.

You can also tag these for your liking with specific notes about what they are for. I really like it alot.