Monday, September 17, 2007

Wikinomics: Ch 3 Review continued

One of the great things about being married to my husband is that he likes talking to me beyond the perfunctory conversations that most married folks have. What's for dinner? Will you please help so-and-so do such-and-such? We enjoy discussing the things we are learning independently, so I have been using him as a sounding board.

We talked about the idea of open source in general and Brian Behlendorf specifically. I told him how Behlendorf created Apache; not for the money but for the opportunity to have a more useable tool. He was ridiculed for not charging a fortune for the technology. The fact that he didn't charge for it is surely one of the main factors in its success; it was readily available for the right price. The fact that 70% of web sites run on Apache indicates that he was successful at creating what he set out to create. Sometimes it really isn't about the money.

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